Anatoli Vinokurov

Full stack and mobile developer

New repatriate. Higher education - second degree - Master of Information Systems of Sholom-Aleichem University. Diploma confirmed by the Israeli Ministry of Education.

In the country for a year and a half. Completed advanced training courses at Tel-Ras College in the specialty "Full stack Java Developer".

Web design: UX design on the Balsamiq, UI design on the Figma

Frontend: ReactJS, Redux, Bootstrap, HTML+CSS, JavaScript, Typescript

Backand: NodeJS, Java Spring

Mobile: React native (JavaScript, Expo), Android studio(Kotlin, Java)

IDEs: WebStorm, Visual Studio code, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Android Studio, Unity3D

DataBases: Mysql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, noSql (MongoDB)

Testing: Postman, JUnit

I am fond of developing mobile applications for Android OS on the Kotlin programming language in the IDE Android Studio. Indie developer. There are published applications in Google Play Market.

Анатолий Винокуров

Contact information

Israel, Rishon LeZion

Phone, Telegram, WhatsApp: +972 53-853 55 24


LinkedIn: Anatoli Vinokurov

Skype: AnatoliVinokurov

Google Play: my developer page in Google Play Market

GitHub: source code of all projects in GitHub


Studied disciplines (modules) of the program:

Studied disciplines (modules) of the program:
Logic and methodology of science
Modern methodologies for designing information systems
Methods of research and modeling of information processes and technologies
Systems engineering
Multicriteria decision support systems
Theoretical foundations of information processes
Digital signal processing
Modeling of information processes
Theory of computational processes and structures
Fundamentals of cryptography
Neural networks
Legal issues of informatics
Economic questions of informatics
Data sourse
Functional Programming
Artificial Intelligence Technology
Project management
Graduate qualification work (master's thesis): "Research issues and development of methods of integration of partially homogeneous databases"

Studied disciplines (modules) of the program:
English Language
Life safety Physical culture and sports
Mathematics (algebra)
Mathematics (mathematical analysis), 1st semester
Mathematics (mathematical analysis), 2nd semester
Mathematics (Discrete Mathematics)
Mathematics (mathematical logic)
Mathematics (probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Computer science
Physics, 2nd semester
Physics, 3rd semester
Programming technologies, 1 semester
Programming technologies, 2nd semester
Information systems architecture
Information processing technologies, 2nd semester
Information processing technologies, 3rd semester
Information technologies
Theory of information processes and systems
Artificial Intelligence Systems, 5th semester
Artificial Intelligence Systems, 6th semester
Information systems tools
Information and communication systems and networks
Methods and tools for designing information systems and technologies
Data management
Organization and management of enterprises
Fundamentals of discussion and public speech
Adaptation of graduates to the labor market
Numerical and Functional Series
Operations Research
Numerical Methods
Information theory
Design of management information systems
Corporate information systems, 7th semester
Corporate Information Systems, 8th semester
Data protection (Vulnerability scanning and protection with Kali Linux)
Basic information processes and technologies
Project management of information systems, 6th semester
Information systems project management, 7th semester
Artificial intelligence technologies in management
Computer geometry and graphics
Human-machine interaction
Laplace and Fourier Transforms
Random Processes and Processing of Experimental Data
Information security technology
Information Security
Modeling in the UNITY 3D environment
Implementation in Matlab of Matrix Algebra Algorithms
Web programming
Network database programming
Programming in C++
Object-oriented analysis and programming
Statistical modeling
Pattern recognition
Final qualifying work (Bachelor's work): "Development of an information system for automating the activities of a specialist in the educational unit Medical College"
Coursework (project): Information and communication systems and networks, "System of remote administration"
Coursework (project): Intelligent systems and technologies, "Development of a software system that implements the Pareto method"
Coursework (project): Project management of information systems, "Project development and implementation of the information system of the educational part of the medical College
Coursework (project): Corporate Information Systems, "Development of a corporate database for recording information about students of a medical college"

Mobile projects

2048 Merge Puzzle Game - React native

Mobile application for Android OS:
React native, JavaScript

Go Game - Classic Igo Game - React native

Mobile application for Android OS:
React native, JavaScript

Mine Sweeper Game - React native

Mobile application for Android OS:
React native, JavaScript

Find two card pairs - React native

Mobile application for Android OS:
React native, JavaScript

Rubik's Cube Tutorial

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

Puzzle Skewb Solver

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

CubeSolver Pro - CFOP Method

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

Find the Cat Game

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

Quiz Anime Game Kotlin

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

Zoo Quiz Game Kotlin

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Kotlin

AI Cyber Wallpapers

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Java

Poket Jumper - Jump Game on Java

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, Java

Flying Toaster LibGDX

Mobile application for Android OS:
Android Studio, LibGDX, Java

Runner Unity3D

Mobile application for Android OS:
Unity3D, C#

Web projects

ReactJS Electronic Shop

Project written in ReactJS
ReactJS, JavaScript, using state and hooks.
implemented sorting of goods by category, adding goods to the cart and calculating the amount of the purchase

ReactJS Travel company site

Project written in ReactJS
ReactJS, JavaScript

ReactJS Star Wars Fanats Site

Project written in ReactJS
ReactJS, TypeScript, using state and hooks.

Landing Laptops Store

Layout of a single-page landing:
HTML+CSS, Bootstrap 5

Landing Gift Store

Layout of a single-page landing:
Block layout + Grid
HTML + CSS, MediaQuvery

Landing Food Ordering

Layout of a single-page landing:
HTML+CSS, MediaQuvery

Landing Budget Management App

Layout of a single-page landing:
Block layout + Grid
HTML + CSS, MediaQuvery

Landing Earnings Application

Layout of a single-page landing:
HTML+CSS, Bootstrap 5

Design projects

Figma web layout

One page landing page of web site on the Figma design tool

My publications in science magazines

Integration of partially homogeneous databases

The article considers an experiment on the integration of two partially homogeneous databases - the database of the admission Commission with thedatabase of the Dean of one University in its own software system, as well as bringing the database to a common denominator by identifying database objects with the subsequent integration of its tables.

Development of the software for the integration of partially homogeneous databases

The article discusses the development of software for solving the problem of bringing tables of two partially homogeneous databases to a common denominator, integrating tables within one database, and integrating two partially homogeneous databases. This program itself performs the process of calculating the similarity coefficients, and then integrate the database based on these estimates using the SQL language for building queries.

Development of a mobile application for a tennis club in the IDE Android Studio environment in the Java programming language

The article discusses the development of a mobile application for a commercial organization in the IDE Android Studio on Java programming language.

Development of automated information system for registration of the students of a medical college

The article discusses the development of an automated information system for recording students of a medical college, which allows you to record information about students and related orders, as well as forms of regulatory documents (certificates, orders and lists of groups). The process of developing a database in the SQL language using PostgreSQL is described, as well as the programming of the system and the subject area is described in detail.

The development of the project first player game in Unity3d

The article discusses the implementation of a project to create a private game with two scenes in a cross-platform game engine Unity3D. Demonstrated the progress of the build of the project.

About the technology organization of the web-interface to the database

This article discusses the technology for implementing a web interface to a database implemented by MS Access tools.

Development of a program for remote administration of a personal computer based on the telnet protocol

The article discusses the development of software that implements the system-based remote management protocol Telnet. The program is implemented in a development environment Delphi.

Cross-platform development mobile application in the rad studio xe8 environment

The article discusses the project of developing a cross-platform mobile applications for operating systems Android, iOS, Windows Phone development environment RAD Studio XE8.


We have been awarded a grant from the company "Garant" for the development of an automated information system. I was responsible database development using SQL language in PostgreSQL. Our small team, comprising a web designer, database developer, software developer, and project manager.

Sholom Aleichem University offers a wide range of courses in various fields of study, including the logic and methodology of science, modern methods of designing information systems, methods of researching and modeling information processes and technologies, systems engineering, multicriteria decision support systems, theoretical foundations of information processes, digital signal processing, Modeling of information processes, theory of computational processes and structures, fundamentals of cryptography, neural networks, legal issues of informatics, economic issues of informatics, data sources, functional programming, e-business, artificial intelligence technology, project management, and research issues and development of methods of integration of partially homogeneous databases. At Sholom Aleichem University, students have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects, including English, History, Philosophy, Life Safety, Physical Culture and Sports, Mathematics (Algebra), Mathematics (Mathematical Analysis), Mathematics (Discrete Mathematics), Mathematics (Mathematical Logic), Mathematics (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics), Computer Science, Physics, Ecology, Chemistry, Programming Technologies, Information Systems Architecture, Information processing technologies, information technologies, theory of information processes and systems, artificial intelligence systems, information systems tools, information and communication systems and networks, methods and tools for designing information systems and technologies, data management, organization and management of enterprises, fundamentals of discussion and public speaking, adaptation of graduates to the labor market, economics, numerical and functional series, Operations research, numerical methods, information theory, design of management information systems, corporate information systems, data protection, basic information processes and technologies, project management of information systems, artificial intelligence technologies in management, computer geometry and graphics, human-machine interaction, jurisprudence, aesthetics, Laplace and Fourier transforms, random processes and processing of experimental data, information security technology, Modeling in the Unity 3D environment, implementation of matrix algebra algorithms in Matlab, web programming, network database programming, programming in C++, object-oriented analysis and programming, statistical modeling, pattern recognition, development of information systems for automating the activities of a specialist in the educational unit Medical College, system of remote administration, development of a software system implementing the Pareto method, project development and implementation of the information system of the educational part of the medical college, and development of a corporate database for recording information about students of a medical college.
Anatoli Vinokurov a student at Sholom Aleichem University and had a passion for game development. Anatoli Vinokurov spent most of his free time working on games using the Unity 3D game engine. To create games, Anatoli Vinokurov would start by brainstorming ideas for game mechanics and features Anatoli Vinokurov wanted to include. Anatoli Vinokurov would then make a rough sketch of the game design, including the levels, characters, and obstacles. Next, Anatoli Vinokurov would open Unity 3D and begin building the game's environment. Anatoli Vinokurov would create the terrain, place objects in the scene, and add lighting to create the desired atmosphere. Anatoli Vinokurov would also create the characters and objects in the game, designing them in 3D modeling software before importing them into Unity 3D. Once the environment set up, Anatoli Vinokurov would begin working on the game's programming. Anatoli Vinokurov would use the C# scripting language to create the game mechanics, such as the character's movement, interaction with objects, and game rules. Anatoli Vinokurov would also implement sound effects and music to enhance the overall experience of the game. Throughout the process of creating a game, Anatoli Vinokurov would encounter various challenges and questions that Anatoli Vinokurov would need to solve. For example, Anatoli Vinokurov might need to figure out how to make a character jump or how to create a camera that follows the player. To solve these problems, Anatoli Vinokurov would turn to online resources, tutorials, and the Unity 3D community. In the end, Anatoli Vinokurov able to create several games that Anatoli Vinokurov is proud of. His passion for game development and his commitment to learning new skills helped him become a successful game developer.
Anatoli Vinokurov a student at Sholom-Aleichem University, studying computer science. Anatoli Vinokurov had a keen interest in mobile app development and had been working on creating Android applications in his spare time. Anatoli Vinokurov 's latest project to create a mobile app that would help people keep track of their daily expenses. Anatoli Vinokurov began by brainstorming ideas for the app's design and features. After researching existing apps, Anatoli Vinokurov came up with a unique design and set of features that would make their app stand out. Next, Anatoli Vinokurov began designing the app's user interface using Figma, carefully choosing colors, fonts, and layouts to make the app easy to use and visually appealing. Once the design complete, Anatoli Vinokurov began developing the app using Android Studio, a powerful tool for developing Android apps. In Android Studio, Anatoli Vinokurov wrote the code for the app using the Java programming language. However, Anatoli Vinokurov soon discovered that Java had limitations, and Anatoli Vinokurov had heard that Kotlin, a newer programming language, better suited for mobile app development, so Anatoli Vinokurov decided to take the time to learn Kotlin and rewrite the code in the new language. It a difficult decision, but it turned out to be the right one, as Kotlin made his app faster and more efficient. Throughout the project, Anatoli Vinokurov faced several challenges. Anatoli Vinokurov had to learn how to use SQLite, a popular database engine, and implement it in his app. Anatoli Vinokurov also had to debug his code frequently to make sure the app working correctly. Designing a mobile app also a challenge for Anatoli Vinokurov . Anatoli Vinokurov had to make sure that the app's user interface easy to navigate and that the app visually appealing. Anatoli Vinokurov had to make sure that the app compatible with different screen sizes and resolutions, and Anatoli Vinokurov had to optimize the app for different versions of Android. After several weeks of hard work, Anatoli Vinokurov finihed their app. It a success, and Anatoli Vinokurov received positive feedback from his peers and professors. The experience taught his many valuable lessons, and Anatoli Vinokurov knew Anatoli Vinokurov had found his passion in mobile app development.
Anatoli Vinokurov a college student studying computer science. Anatoli Vinokurov has always had a passion for web development and has loved building websites since Anatoli Vinokurov young. Anatoli Vinokurov started with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and gradually moved on to more complex web technologies. One summer, Anatoli Vinokurov decided to take on a big challenge and build a website for his uncle's small business. Anatoli Vinokurov spent hours researching design best practices and wireframing the site layout. Anatoli Vinokurov then began coding the site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and after a few weeks, Anatoli Vinokurov finally had a site ready to launch. Creating the website not an easy task for Anatoli Vinokurov . Anatoli Vinokurov faced several difficulties during the project, including issues with responsiveness, cross-browser compatibility, and optimizing the site's speed. However, with his perseverance and dedication, Anatoli Vinokurov able to overcome these challenges and deliver a high quality website for his uncle. As Anatoli Vinokurov continued to gain experience in web development, Anatoli Vinokurov learned the importance of designing websites for both desktop and mobile devices. Anatoli Vinokurov became familiar with various design frameworks and techniques, such as responsive design and mobile-first design, to ensure that his websites looked great on all screen sizes. JavaScript another essential technology Anatoli Vinokurov learned during his journey as a web developer. Anatoli Vinokurov discovered that JavaScript is an essential part of modern web development, allowing him to create dynamic and interactive web pages. Anatoli Vinokurov 's first website a personal project that Anatoli Vinokurov created to showcase his skills to potential employers. Anatoli Vinokurov shared his site on various online platforms and received positive feedback from his peers and other industry professionals. His hard work paid off, and Anatoli Vinokurov landed a job as a web developer for a well-known technology company. Anatoli Vinokurov continued to work on various website projects, gaining more experience in web development. Anatoli Vinokurov 's passion for web development has led him to excel in his field and create innovative websites for clients. Anatoli Vinokurov is grateful for the opportunities Anatoli Vinokurov has had and is excited to see where his career in web development takes him in the future.
Anatoli Vinokurov a student who had always been interested in information security and cryptography. Anatoli Vinokurov decided to pursue his passion by studying information security at a local university. As part of his coursework, Anatoli Vinokurov learned about various tools and techniques used for hacking, penetration testing, and vulnerability scanning. Anatoli Vinokurov particularly interested in Kali Linux, a popular operating system used by security professionals and hackers alike. Anatoli Vinokurov spent hours practicing various techniques on his own machines, and even participated in various hackathons and security competitions to hone his skills. His hard work paid off, and Anatoli Vinokurov able to create his first cryptographic key, which Anatoli Vinokurov used to encrypt and decrypt messages. However, Anatoli Vinokurov also faced many difficulties, such as understanding complex concepts, dealing with new and unfamiliar tools, and keeping up with the ever-evolving field of information security. Anatoli Vinokurov had to spend countless hours reading, researching, and practicing to keep up. Kali Linux played an important role in his studies, providing him with a powerful platform for conducting various security tests, simulations, and attacks. Anatoli Vinokurov learned how to use Kali Linux to perform various types of scans and tests to identify vulnerabilities in networks and applications. Anatoli Vinokurov also studied information security principles and learned about various encryption algorithms, security protocols, and security standards. Anatoli Vinokurov understood the importance of security in protecting sensitive information and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Anatoli Vinokurov 's hard work paid off when Anatoli Vinokurov awarded a grant to work on an information security research project. Anatoli Vinokurov thrilled to have the opportunity to apply his knowledge and skills to real-world problems. Eventually, Anatoli Vinokurov graduated with a degree in information security and able to secure a good job as a programmer with a large technology company. Anatoli Vinokurov continued to learn and grow in the field of information security, becoming an expert in the industry. His passion and dedication had led him to a fulfilling career and Anatoli Vinokurov proud of what Anatoli Vinokurov had accomplished.
Anatoli Vinokurov has always been fascinated by the world of technology and computer science. So when Anatoli Vinokurov decided to move to Israel, Anatoli Vinokurov enrolled at Tel Ran College to pursue his passion for programming. Anatoli Vinokurov started with the basics of Java and JavaScript, which are essential programming languages used to build websites. As Anatoli Vinokurov progressed through his studies, Anatoli Vinokurov encountered some difficulties in understanding some of the more complex programming concepts. However, Anatoli Vinokurov was determined to overcome them and spent long hours studying and practicing. Anatoli Vinokurov soon found that his perseverance paid off as Anatoli Vinokurov began to gain a better understanding of the languages. One of the technologies that caught Anatoli Vinokurov 's attention was ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library used to build user interfaces for web applications. Anatoli Vinokurov found it to be an efficient way to build complex web applications with a great user experience. In addition to learning about web application development, Anatoli Vinokurov also learned about web design principles for both desktop and mobile versions. Anatoli Vinokurov discovered the importance of creating a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. As part of his studies, Anatoli Vinokurov worked on various projects, including developing an online store for a company. Anatoli Vinokurov also developed a project management tool for his classmates to use in their group projects. With a passion for programming and a determination to succeed, Anatoli Vinokurov was awarded a scholarship for his studies. After graduation, Anatoli Vinokurov landed a job as a programmer for a local software company. Anatoli Vinokurov continues to learn and grow in his field, using his skills to develop innovative solutions for his clients.
Anatoli Vinokurov was a final year computer science student with a passion for building websites. Anatoli Vinokurov spent hours designing and coding websites, and even started freelancing to build his portfolio. One day, a local company approached him about building a website for them. Anatoli Vinokurov was excited about the opportunity, but also a little nervous. Anatoli Vinokurov knew this would be his most important project yet, and Anatoli Vinokurov wanted to make sure Anatoli Vinokurov delivered a quality site. Anatoli Vinokurov began by designing the site's layout, using Adobe Photoshop to create a mockup. Anatoli Vinokurov then moved on to coding the site, starting with HTML and CSS. Anatoli Vinokurov wanted to make sure the site was responsive and looked good on both desktop and mobile devices. Anatoli Vinokurov 's biggest challenge was implementing complex functionality using JavaScript. Anatoli Vinokurov spent countless hours debugging his code and searching for solutions to the problems Anatoli Vinokurov encountered. However, with persistence and dedication, Anatoli Vinokurov was able to overcome these difficulties and implement the features Anatoli Vinokurov needed. Anatoli Vinokurov created his first website while still in high school, using a free online platform to host it. It was a simple site that displayed his favorite quotes and photos. Although it was a small project, it sparked his love for web development and motivated him to pursue it further. After completing his website for the local company, Anatoli Vinokurov was thrilled to receive positive feedback and a generous payment. Anatoli Vinokurov used the money to invest in his skills, attending coding bootcamps and buying books on web development. With his experience and skills, Anatoli Vinokurov was able to secure a job as a junior web developer at a reputable technology company. Anatoli Vinokurov continued to learn and improve his skills, exploring new frameworks and languages such as ReactJS and Node.js. In college, Anatoli Vinokurov worked on several projects, including a social media platform for a local charity and an e-commerce website for a startup. These projects allowed him to apply his skills in a real-world setting and gave him a taste of what it was like to work in the tech industry. Anatoli Vinokurov 's hard work paid off and Anatoli Vinokurov was eventually promoted to a senior web developer position within the company. Anatoli Vinokurov continued to challenge himself, learning new skills and staying abreast of the latest trends in web development. Ultimately, Anatoli Vinokurov 's passion and dedication to web development paved the way for his success. Anatoli Vinokurov continued to push himself and take on new challenges, leading him to a fulfilling career as a programmer.
Anatoli Vinokurov was a brilliant student, always eager to learn new things and push the boundaries of his knowledge. His passion for high technology was evident from an early age, and Anatoli Vinokurov pursued his studies with a relentless determination that earned him the respect of his teachers and peers. While at university, Anatoli Vinokurov wrote numerous scientific papers in the field of hi-tech. His articles were published in prestigious academic journals and widely cited by other researchers. Anatoli Vinokurov spent countless hours in the university library, poring over dusty old tomes and reading the latest scientific literature. Despite the challenges Anatoli Vinokurov faced, Anatoli Vinokurov was undaunted. Anatoli Vinokurov was driven by a deep curiosity and a desire to understand the complex workings of the world around him. Anatoli Vinokurov spent long nights writing and editing his papers, always striving for perfection. Anatoli Vinokurov 's hard work and dedication paid off, and Anatoli Vinokurov received several honorary degrees from the university. Anatoli Vinokurov was respected by his professors and peers for his intelligence, creativity, and passion for high technology. Anatoli Vinokurov was often invited to speak at conferences and other academic events, where Anatoli Vinokurov shared his insights and discoveries with audiences around the world. Ultimately, Anatoli Vinokurov 's contributions to the field of high technology were immense. His scientific papers laid the foundation for future research and inspired countless others to follow in his footsteps. Despite his many accomplishments, Anatoli Vinokurov remained humble and grateful, always acknowledging the support and guidance of his teachers, colleagues, and family. After graduation, Anatoli Vinokurov went to work as a programmer for a leading high-tech company. His knowledge and expertise in the field were in high demand, and Anatoli Vinokurov quickly established himself as a valued member of the team. Anatoli Vinokurov continued to write scientific papers and share his knowledge with others, always striving to make the world a better place through his work.